Glaucoma Diagnostic & Treatment Centre  
One Orchard Boulevard #16-01/02 Camden Medical Centre, Singapore 248649
Call us at +65 6565 6888
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Glaucoma Screening

Sudden and severe pain in the eyes can be signs of glaucoma, a serious eye condition. However most often, glaucoma progresses with no symptoms and that is why regular eye screenings are important. Our clinic believes that prevention is better than cure and will like to encourage patients who think they are at risk to contact the clinic for an eye examination at a rate of just S$300.
Glaucoma Screening Package S$300
Visual acuity (VA)
    - Measure the clarity of vision
Noncontact tonometry (air-puff tonometry)
    - To measure eye pressure - IOP
Fundus photograph
    - The main structures that can be visualized on a fundus photo are the central and peripheral retina, optic disc
      and macula.
OCT Disk (Optical Coherence Tomography)
    - Optic Nerve Scans
Corneal Pachymetry
    - cornea thickness
Anterior Segment Photo
    - front third of the eye that includes the structures in front of the vitreous humour - the cornea, iris, ciliary
      body, and lens
Glaucoma Consultation by Dr Steve Seah
    - MBBS, FRCS(G), M.Med (Ophth) FRCS(Ed), FRCOphth, FAMS
Call us at +65 6565 6888 or email us today to schedule your glaucoma eye screening!
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